Meet the Executive Board

Feel free to click on the executive board members pictures to find out more about them or to contact them!
Grace Jiang
Vice President
Natalia Selvaggio
Drishti Mittal
Carman Ngai
Co-Company Relations Coordinator
Vaishnavi Vishwanath Nayak
Co-Company Relations Coordinator
Tiya Chhajed
Socials & Workshops Coordinator
Brooklyn Wallace
Social Media & Recruitment Coordinator
Aashka Baruah
Communications & Recruitment Coordinator
Isha Bansal
Mentorship Coordinator
Gwyn Barnholtz
Community Outreach Coordinator
Ava Scherocman
Student Advisor
Jessica Molitor
Faculty Advisor
Zahra Atiq


Dreese Lab 159
2015 Neil Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

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Weekly Meetings

Wednesdays at 7pm
Dreese Labs Rm. 264
The Ohio State University